In this week's blog, tell the story of one of your earliest memories - try to think back ten or more years. Vary your narrative voice between that of tiny-you and that of the more sophisticated freshman in high school that you are now. Your story should be at least two paragraphs in length. Extra Credit Opportunity! 5 points. Include a photo in your blog that enhances the story you are telling.
I remember the day we got our cats. My two older brothers and I were really excited! We went to the animal shelter to find two kittens to bring home. There were so many cats, how could we choose just two? Eventually, we found a gray cat that looked perfect. He looked so tiny in my two-year old hands; I wanted to hold him forever. But we had another cat to find. After what felt like hours of looking, we found a gorgeous tabby kitten. I knew she would be the next addition to our family. One the way home, we took turns peaking into the cardboard box. Looking at those two kittens, curled up next to each other, I couldn't wait to show them the new life they would have.
I think this day is so clear to me because I was so excited. I'd never had a real pet before! I mean, a few fish but they died pretty quickly. My parents had finally agreed to let us try cats.
After a few weeks, the kittens grew and we decided to name them. One of our favorite characters was Peter Pan, so we decided that name would be fitting for the boy. My brothers and I were in preschool, and everyday at snack time, everyone (I dont know why) would say "tastes like chicken" as we nibbled our graham crackers. So...we decided to name the other cat that. After a few days, my mom abbreviated it to TLC.
Over the years, I've had a lot of good times with those cats. From when I used to dress them up to the day we introduced them to the new dog. They haven't changed much, over those 13 years, TLC is still as grumpy as usual and Peter kills birds on a regular basis. But they're my cats, and I'll love them forever.
very good memory. i like the names you gave your cats.